I would like to recommend an excellent parenting resource, available to be read for free online. It’s a little book called The Mother at Home, by John S. C. Abbott. It’s an old book, published in 1833, now available on the Internet Archive for free.
Here’s a little excerpt:
A pious and faithful mother may have a dissolute child. He may break away from all restraints, and God may leave him to “eat the fruit of his own devices.” The parent, thus afflicted and broken-hearted, can only bow before the sovereignty of her Maker, who says, “be still, and know that I am God.”
The consciousness, however, of having done one’s duty, divests this affliction of much of its bitterness. And beside, such cases are rare. Profligate [immoral] children are generally the offspring of parents who have neglected the moral and religious education of their family. Some parents are themselves profligate, and thus not only allow their children to grow up unrestrained, but by their example lure them to sin.
But there are others, who are very upright, and virtuous, and even pious themselves, who do, nevertheless, neglect the moral culture of their children; and as a consequence, they grow up in disobedience and sin. It matters but little what the cause is which leads to this neglect. The neglect itself will ordinarily be followed by disobedience and self-will.
Even though the book is old, the author has lots of practical ideas on how we moms can carefully train our children in righteousness, beginning in their earliest years. I hope you’ll be blessed by it!
Read The Mother at Home by clicking here.
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