A few weeks ago, I dropped our laptop. Crash. Right to the floor. And that was the end of it. (I guess you could say the hard drive “crashed” — oh, groan….)
Well, I have to be honest. I’ve really been struggling to get my work done online ever since! We’ve been trying to repair our computer, rather than purchasing a new one, but it hasn’t been as easy as we thought. We spoke with a technician today, though, and maybe it will all be fixed by next week. (???)
But I’m behind. I’m behind on my weekly blog posts and this coffee break ezine, but I’m also behind on some the email classes we offer, the curriculum we’re writing, and the book projects we were planning.
Doesn’t it stink when plans don’t come about as we planned? Yup! However, a broken computer has been just one of MANY things which has happened lately to remind me that God is sovereign and in control. Some of the problems have truly been bigger than just a broken computer.
I recently heard a quote, “Don’t look at interruptions as problems but possibilities.” I heard this right BEFORE one of these recent events, something that was completely out of my control. That morning I went in the bathroom and wished I could lock myself in and let “Calgon take me away.” My Bible was in a basket by the sink, and I read from Psalm 3:
But you are a shield around me, O YHWH;
you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
To YHWH I cry aloud,
and he answers me from his holy hill.
I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because YHWH sustains me.
I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. (Psalm 3:2-6, NIV)
Tens of thousands of enemies?! That really struck me. Yet, in the midst of impossible circumstances, David said he could “lie down and sleep.” Honestly, this made me laugh, because even my life has never been this ridiculous!
I’ll try my best to get back online as soon as possible, to answer all my unread email, to finish my writing projects, to get my website working correctly (yeah, it’s having trouble), and to send out my ezines consistently.
Until then, I’ve decided to come out of the locked bathroom and let God “lift up my head.” In fact, I think I’ll get to bed tonight at a decent hour… ahhh… sleep… Hey, maybe I’ll even sleep in! After all, He sustains me. 🙂
“It is well…” (See 2 Kings 4:26.)
No need to reply but know you will be in my prayers and that I look forward to your ezines and miss them when you can’t get them out!
I totally understand, sis…
I’m just now catching up on emails as our computer was dropped mid-October and I was computerless for over 6 weeks. As you can tell, I”m a bit behind. But, God is still in control, and my catch words from last year–There are no surprises to God. He knows. He cares. He is still in control. Blessings on you and yours this coming year.
Amen! (Sounds like our computers were dropped right about the same time! Good thing God never drops US…)
Hugs, ~Anne