If you’re attempting to homeschool while also being a mother to a preschooler (or two or more!), you face two realities:
- Your little preschoolers want to spend time with you, too!
- Your little preschoolers want to “do school,” too!
It may seem “unloving” to actually plan my time with my little ones, but in reality, I’m a much better mother when I do. Here are my favorite resources for the preschool years:
Spending Time Together
- Teaching them chores and life skills – What Every Child Should Know Along the Way
- Teaching them God’s Word – The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes and Read-Aloud Bible Stories
- Teaching them good character — Right Choices and A Little Girl After God’s Own Heart
- Playing Together — Preschool Busy Bags
- Creative Family Times, by Hadidian and Wilson
“Doing School” Together
- Foundations of Preschool, by my husband and me, available at Foundations Press
- Learning for the Littles, by Sheri Graham
- Preschool ABC Workbooks, by Rod-and-Staff
Preschool Parenting Advice
>> Please feel free to share your favorite resources with other readers below!
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Hey, HOTM online just posted on this very topic. I thought it was very helpful!
One more thing….
I wrote up a free report on “Homeschooling with Preschoolers,” and it has MANY more ideas:
http://annesschoolplace.com/downloads /homeschooling_with_preschoolers.pdf
Oops… let’s try that one more time:
Hi there,
thanks so much for sharing
I have little ones but toddler twins. i should relook at Ezzos books for this age. Thanks I need to reign them in a bit. They are soooo active it is incredible…..
I applaud you as I only have 6 kids but God seems to be floating your baot=)
Thanks for the site…love it!