Good morning! My aunt sent me this by email, and I thought it would be fun to start a blog meme. Just copy and paste the Q&A’s into your blog, then send me a comment with a link so I can come visit!
- What is your occupation right now? Wife, Mom, and school teacher (at home). My second job is puttering around on the web. 🙂
- What color are your socks right now? Barefooted, but yesterday I had on white socks with blue heels.
- What are you listening to right now? Kids’ music
- What was the last thing that you ate? Chicken tacos made with green enchilada sauce. Yum!
- Can you drive a stick shift? No… last time I did, I totaled my hubbie’s car.
- Last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend Cathy
- Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, she’s my aunt!
- How old are you today? 34
- What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? football… I might even like hockey more, because it’s quicker paced and easier for me to follow, but my husband loves football so we watch that more.
- What is your favorite drink? Cold, fresh, raw milk from the farm
- Have you ever dyed your hair? one time… what a mistake!
- Favorite food? Oh, that’s tough… I love food! Lasagna, or maybe Thanksgiving dinner, or maybe anything French… or Italian… or Chinese… or cheesecake
- What is the last movie you watched? The Secret Garden
- Favorite day of the year? any day in spring, when we can go outside again and the earth smells so good
- How do you vent anger? yak, yak, yak… or boo, hoo, hoo
- What was your favorite toy as a child? anything Little Peoples by Fisher Price
- What is your favorite season? Spring because things are coming to life (same answer as my aunt)… I also love Fall, when the leaves are changing and the air is crispy.
- Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries, one of my favorite fruits
- Who is the most likely to respond? I’m not sure, since I’m ruining the email version by sticking it online.
- Who is least likely to respond? hopefully 100s of people respond 🙂
- Living arrangements? I live in a little white house with 3 bedrooms and a very tiny bathroom… with a husband, 6 children, a dog, and a cat.
- When was the last time you cried? praying with a friend
- What is on the floor of your closet? wood, and a couple shoes, and some marbles
- Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to? Probably my mom
- What did you do last night? Went to handbells practice, then watched the world series
- What are you most afraid of? Tornadoes
- Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburger? Plain, or spiced with black pepper
- Favorite dog breed? black labs, or Malmutes
- Favorite day of the week? Saturday
- How many states have you lived in? Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, Missouri, Arizona, and Iowa
- Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
- What is your favorite flower? Roses, tulips, and mums

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