Well, it’s official. Grandpa and Grandma were here an entire week, anxiously watching and waiting for little Kacey to take her first steps. But nope. She preferred to crawl everywhere. I guess she thinks it’s more efficient than that wobbly walkin’ stuff.
Yesterday, it almost looked like she was trying to take a step. She’s put her foot forward and… zoop… down she’d go. But last night! She did it! She walked between the arms of our two couches, about two steps forward — and she didn’t fall down. A bunch of us were watching and we all started clapping. Well, she thought that was great. She had no idea what she’d done, but she was all smiles.
Sorry, Grandma! 🙂
Boo hoo! But, I’m glad she is starting!!! Give her a hug for us.