Next week I’ll plan to return to my normal Bible-study posts, but for today, I wanted to give you an update on the conference we attended last weekend.
Here were some of the most “Quotable Quotes” from the conference:
- “For myself, commitment without compromise. For everyone else, mercy without measure.” ~Batya Wootten
- “A bridge will always be walked on both ways.” ~Hanoch Young
- “We are not a denomination; we are a holy nation.” ~Ephraim Frank
- “If you found paganism in Babylon, that doesn’t make you Dick Tracy.” ~Mike Clayton
- “Moses was the first man to break all ten commandments at the same time.” ~Mike Clayton
- “If knowledge is a thing, then understanding is knowing where to put it and wisdom is knowing what to do with it.” ~Mike Clayton
- “Keep your tent pegs shallow.” ~Mike Clayton
- “Yeshua, the Keystone, is able to hold the weight of the structure.” ~David Altman
- “A model of government should be God’s character developed in us so that others can see the face of God.” ~David Altman
- “When we break, move, or remove boundaries, we lose that which makes something set apart.” ~Barry Philips
- “There must always be a balance between exclusion and inclusion, tolerance and accountability, compassion and discipline.” ~Barry Philips
- “Leaders are servants who knock before they enter.” ~Barry Philips
- “We should seek to change only ourselves. There’s plenty of work to do there.” ~Barry Philips
- “As long as teachers and students exist, different levels of knowledge exist.” ~Ken Rank
- “This is not the finish line. It is only the birth.” ~Ken Rank
- “Joseph in Egypt looked very different from his brothers.” ~Ken Rank
- “We are not forming a perfect union but a union God can perfect.” ~Albert McCarn

B’ney Yosef North American Summit 2016 | Signing the Articles of Declaration
Here is a collection of links to various resources and websites, if you want to learn more:
- B’Ney Yosef North America website
- Articles of Declaration
- Coverage of the Summit, by Breaking Israel News
- Today I Am a Hebrew: An Address to the B’ney Yosef North America Summit, by Al McCarn
- Report on the B’ney Yosef North American Summit, by Ken Rank
- National Shabbat Initiative
- Etz B’ney Yosef National Congress (international)
- Book – Give Me a Place Where I May Dwell, by Al McCarn
- Book – Restoring Israel’s Kingdom, by Angus Wootten
You can see my previous videos on the Hope of the Restoration of Israel here:
All Scripture in this blog post taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Thank you so much for posting your thoughts of the BYNA Summit. We (Peter and I) had the privilege of being there also. It was a very humbling experience. We are still trying to process all that was said. The fellowship, praise music and dancing with it, was an awesome experience. Just being in a room with that many people that are on the same page is exciting. Your videos coming out of the Summit on your Homeschooling Torah page was perfect timing. Sunday was very emotional for me at the signing of The Declaration, being that my husbands signature is on there. WOW!!
It was a pleasure to finally meet you and Kraig and get to know you a little better. Thanks again! Shabbat Shalom.
May the children of Joseph who have been scattered to all the nations of the earth arise, begin to assemble and gather, and form a Bney Yosef organization to represent their continent, nation and region.