Anne and her cat Mocha
I’m going to depart from my normal Bible study and just write a newsy little post this week. You see, we’re headed out of town this weekend, and I just don’t see how I’ll have the time to study and write. However, lots of really cool things are going on, and I wanted to share my heart.
Back in 2009 and 2010, I would make one of these “daybook” entries ever so often. Back then, blogs really were online diaries, and yeah, I’m that old! 😉
So in the style of a diary, here are some things going on in my life.
Outside my window… It is sunny and bright, but it hasn’t been that way long. In fact, even though it’s been a warm and dry winter in Michigan, over the past week we’ve seen a foot and a half of snow — and lots of heavy clouds. Spring is trying to come, so the weather forecasters think next week will be filled with warmer days and lots of rain. When it’s dark and cloudy, sometimes I feel a bit down and grumpy. However, I’m trying to learn to be content with the rain and give thanks. I even made the following notes in my online journal. (I journal each day with Google Keep.)
Why Cloudy, Rainy Days Are Nice:
- It’s a good day to read a book.
- Sometimes I can think more clearly, more creatively.
- If the weather makes me ache, I am more thankful for the days when I am feeling well.
- 10 more reasons why rainy days are the best
I am thinking… I find my mind turning more and more to the future Messianic Kingdom. (Am I the only one?) It first started getting strong back in January, when I was studying Deuteronomy 30:1-10. I may be working online, or folding laundry, or driving to town — but I find myself daydreaming so much about Yeshua’s return.
Some Videos I Made:
I am thankful for… my family, always. I’m also thankful that I live in this time of history. I’ve been thinking about that. Any time of history looks like it would be interesting, although some times sound more inconvenient than others. (I’m really thankful for running water!) But here we are at the end of the ages, and we know that the restoration of all things is at hand. Wow! How privileged we are!
From the learning rooms… We’ve been really stepping up our study of the Hebrew language here. In fact, after our morning Bible reading, this is the next thing on our list. Here are some of the methods we’ve been using. When we get home from our trip this weekend, I’m also planning to label all kinds of things through the house, using this book as my guide.
From the kitchen… The kitchen is just plum-full of furniture this week, because my husband is making me more bookshelves. (You can never have too many bookshelves!) It’s too cold out in the garage for painting, so he’s doing it right here. The nice thing is that my desk is also in the kitchen, so we are right next to each other while he works. He purchased cheap shelving from Wal-mart (the kind where the shelves start to sag when his wife loads it up with all her books), so he’s firming up the shelf with molding, and he’ll be adding cupboard doors to the front of the bottom two shelves, to cover up my ugly binders. I have a lot of binders. 🙂

I am wearing… warm clothes. Spring is coming… someday……….
I am creating… science curriculum for HomeschoolingTorah. I’m working on the second year of four, and the topic is the flood of Noah’s time. It’s cool stuff. Here’s a video that tells just a bit:
I am going… to the B’net Yosef North American Summit in St. Petersburg, Florida this weekend! I AM SO EXCITED!
I am reading… several books that will likely end up in our curriculum someday. These books are so encouraging because they strengthen my faith in the truth of the Word of God and in His plan for His people! (affiliate links)
I am hearing… as many songs and YouTubes in Hebrew as I can, as well as uplifting songs of worship.
Some Playlists & Music We’re Enjoying
Around the house… We’ve been making an effort to get organized again after months of winter. One of my favorite new apps is Nozbe, which reminds me of things I need to do (affiliate link). I also organized the shelves of my desk and added a fresh, new spring schedule to the wall behind my computer.
One of my favorite things… having coffee with my husband. Here we are on the nearby campus of Michigan State University, having a late-evening work date.
A few plans for the rest of the week… Besides attending the conference in Florida, we’ll be able to stay each night with our friends Dave and Christine Miller, from alittleperspective.com. If you’ve never seen Christine’s blog, you really should check it out — and subscribe! They live near the beach, so I’m hoping for beautiful weather, palm trees and sand for at least a couple minutes, and maybe some fish for supper.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing… This is one of my favorite pictures. Maybe you could save it to your phone or computer desktop, and every time you see it, you could pray for me?
Thanks for visiting me today!
All Scripture in this blog post taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
I love this peek into your life! And I always appreciate book suggestions!
Thanks for the update! Good to hear what is happening in your life. I am definitely praying that prayer for you. 🙂