image by P.E.I. Historic and Reproductive Clothing http://lmmtrousseau.blogspot.com/2011/08/anne-of-green-gables-puffed-sleeve.html,
I first met Anne of Green Gables when I was in fourth grade. My great grandmother purchased the original book series when they were first published in the early 1900s, and she gave them to me when I was a young girl, because my name was Anne-with-an-E, of course.
And in 1984, I wanted nothing more than puffed sleeves like Anne had. She dreamed about them for years, but Marilla wouldn’t hear of it. It wasn’t until Matthew “put his oar in” before a concert that Anne finally got her longed-for puffed sleeves.
The more I spent time reading about Anne of Green Gables, the more I wanted to be like her. I wanted to wear puffed sleeves like she did, put on plays with my friends like she did, do well in school like she did, and even be proud of my Anne-with-an-E name like she was.
And now my girls are enamored with Anne of Green Gables. The books are all on my Kindle now, and the girls have a habit of sneaking my Kindle into their beds at night so they can read “just one more chapter.” I’ve been curious if they’ll want puffed sleeves, too.
Isn’t that how we fall in love with Yeshua? We read “just one more chapter” of the book that’s all about Him, and pretty soon, we want to eat the way He ate, tell stories the way He told them, help others the way He cared, and even be proud to bear His name.
However, unlike a fictional character in a book, we look forward to the day when we can fall at His feet in worship. We look forward to being able to serve Him in His kingdom.
I have several goals for the months ahead.
- For one, I want to try to eat foods that are GMO-free and clean. The more I learn about my Master’s magnificent creation, the more I fall in love with it and with Him. I want to eat food the way He intended it to be (Leviticus 11:43-47; Leviticus 19:19).
- For another, I want to learn the language He spoke and gave to His people. I’ve learned most of the Hebrew alephbet now and a handful of words, but I want to be more intentional about studying Hebrew this year so that I can begin to read my Bible in its original language (Acts 17:11). (And after that, Greek…)
- Another goal is to regularly visit some lonely people at a nursing home near us. They are the people that have been forgotten by everyone else, at a time when they’re old and tired and sometimes sick. I want to listen and spend time with them, like my Master heard the voice of a blind man over the din of the crowd and cared for the woman with the issue of blood, even though masses were pressing against Him (James 1:27).
What would Jesus Do? I want to get to know my Master better this year. I want to walk in His steps. Do you have similar goals?
Shalom Anne-with-an-e,
What a wonderful post, so inspiring. Thank you! I also want to learn more about and from Y’shua. I do believe that we tend to “forget” about Y’shua when we start this Torah-walk. We have recently written a few posts about Y’shua in prophecy and it saddened me to see how the unsubscribes increase and the number of readers drop. Sad indeed!
It should be increasing as He is the Living Torah! So, thanks again! I pray your post inspire many more!
Lovely blog, Anne! I have studied biblical Hebrew with an amazing teacher that Katy Dornberger Waldrop and I have known for years. Her website is http://www.hebrewandstaffs.com and her name is Kathleen Avigail Floyd. Brilliant, loving powerful teacher. She pours so much in besides alefbet & words! I was able at 65 to progress to reading portions of the book of Ruth within 6 months. The class is on-line and kept small so there is interaction with a couple of other students.
Also, the James 1:27 is a favorite of mine since I was widowed when our son was 6 and Katy was 18 months old. I know it was in Abba’s Divine Order, but there were times when I would quote this scripture back and ask ‘where are they?’ I recently came to know that the word ‘religion’ should actually be ‘worship’! Doesn’t that put a better picture on that whole concept? Sitting on a pew being entertained is NOT worship. Being and doing what Abba asks is! Blessings on your continued work!
Diane Dornberger on the eve of my 68th birthday! That is a miracle in itself.
Dear Anne (with an E)
What a lovely blog you have. I enjoy reading it so much, especially on Shabbat. My girls and I love Anne of Green Gables. We have the audio and listen to it over and over in the car. We have read the story and even watched the movie. You have inspired me to strive to be more like Yeshua. I want to learn Hebrew and teach the girls, we only got as far as the alphabet, I am thinking of purchasing a program to help us learn. Yes, it is so important to visit the sick and needy, to look after the orphan and widow and to get the children involved. We need to put aside our busy schedules and focus on those things that really count. Please continue with your lovely blogging I enjoy it so much. Shalom to you and your family x x x
Dear Anne with an “e”!
Anne of Green Gables is my all time favorite movie, and I too dreamed of being like her and also proudly proclaim boldness as she did! She is somewhat like Ruth, in that regard! I so greatly appreciate your amazing resources, and thank you for being an obedient servant of our Abba, to deliver such Heavenly treasure with your writing and resources. I greatly admire your heart, and it sounds like it is aligned with mine, because we are seeking our Heavenly Father and aligning our hearts to His! Shalom!