I’ve been saying for months that I want to learn Hebrew. I sure wish some friends would join me! (Hint, hint….)
Here’s the scoop:
Izzy from The Holy Language Institute has made Hebrew video courses available to The Homeschool Channel family. As I understand it, we can watch the videos for free, but we’ll also need to download a study guide. The study guide is $40.
So, I’m thinking that we could watch each lesson on our own time. Then we could meet at the Homeschool How-To Conference’s website for a chat and discussion once a week. We can talk by phone or Skype, or we can chat by Internet connection. I can record the conversation in case one of us can’t make it that week and wants to listen in later.
The weekly discussion would be totally optional, but I personally think I need the accountability and nagging of others — or I’ll never make progress!
We’ll plan to have our first discussion on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.
So leave me a comment below if you want to join us. The only cost is the $40 study guide.
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I am very interested. I happen to have a children’s guide to forming the Hebrew alphabet from Handwriting Without Tears, but they assume basic knowledge of the language, the instructions are in Hebrew and I’ve been totally intimidated by the whole venture. This sounds like a great idea. I have just found your blog in the last few months, have never commented, but I very much enjoy your weekly email. I have two sons, 5 &3, and a daughter, 14 months.
I have one year of Biblical Hebrew study under my belt (so am at about a 5-yr-old level of reading / writing Biblical Hebrew). It would be great to have some online contact with others who are keen to learn Hebrew. I noticed in the video on aleph that the teacher pronounces the letters in a modern Hebrew way (Vav instead of Waw), so I may get a little confused about which letters he refers to, having slightly different (probably more ancient) pronunciations memorised myself. I studied at Grace Theological College in Auckland, and now I go along to a fortnightly Hebrew Bible Study group to keep up my Hebrew skills and become more familiar with the words. I look forward to discussing the language with others
Anne, this sounds like a wonderful idea! Count me in.
Ive been also longing to learn hebrew for a long time. My son is 15 months, I speak to him in English Spanish, sign language and use all the hebrew words i know. It just seems so hard! Hopefully supporting each other will be great motivation to persue Hebrew! Do we just download the study guide on our own from that website? Shalom!
I, too, am anxious to learn Hebrew…. I am a missionary at a school on Navajo Nation in New Mexico, and am going to be teaching children 1-12th grade, in homeschool style setting. One of my classes for the kids is: Jewish Culture, Customs, and Festivals. I do not have the funds for purchasing the study guide… is there any way I can follow along via the videos?? Would sooooo love that!
Hi Anne!
I cannot buy the workbook right now but am eager to watch the videos and follow along with your group if you don’t mind. My 8th grader and I are just getting started with Latin and all three boys and I are beginning basic sign language. I’m not sure how I’ll do but I would love to learn all I can. Please think about it and let me know.
Wow, I am humbled and excited and NERVOUS about the fantastic response to this! I’ve had several private emails, too, so we should have an amazing group. I just want you all to know that I’m the dumbest in the group. I know maybe 3 letters? Maybe???? LOL! But if you’ll all put up with my ignorance, I’ll be honored to study along with you!
Andi, I think it’s okay to just watch the videos for free. I’m sure it would be easier with the study guide, but I say, just join in now and do what you can, and you’ll be so far ahead of what I’ve been because I procrastinated for a few years!
Counting the days…
Hi Anne!
What an exciting opportunity! Thank you for sharing and also for saying that the study guide in not mandatory. I’d love to join this group. We’ve been trying to study Hebrew for a while now. Having this motivation might be just what I need. Thanks for the invite!
Hello Ladies,
I have purchased the study guide and have started how exciting! Just want you to know, I am studying up!
I just realized that he is Messianic and believes in Yeshua.. how wonderful this is exactly what I have been praying about for probably two years! Thanks for starting this meet up Anne, Shalom.
Looking forward to tomorrow night, everyone!
Don’t forget that you can meet up at http://homeschoolhowtoconference.com/hebrew/
I was looking into doing the Hebrew course you all are doing, and I wondered what your thoughts are about it? Are you enjoying it? Is it informative and helpful? Thank you so much in advance! Blessings, Sharon
Sharon, I have been completely blessed by it, and our whole family, too. The teacher is very patient, but he has an excellent way of explaining things that really makes them stick. We have tried many methods to start learning Hebrew, and we always have quit. This one seems to be very different. I completely recommend it.
Are you still studing Anne? Our family just started a couple of weeks ago :).
Our family took a break this last month or so because we’re in the middle of a move. But Izzy Avraham’s classes are excellent! In our new town, we’re hoping to sign up for the next segment of Hebrew classes at a local Messianic synagogue, because we think we might learn well with “in person” teachers.
I’ve heard that this teacher has an excellent course offered through First Fruits of Zion, but I haven’t used it.
There are also some good resources listed here:
How neat that you have a live-in-person option! We just bought the course today – we’ve really been enjoying the free lessons so far.