Okay, everyone! I uploaded some pictures of Baby Alistair on my Facebook page. I think I made it so anyone can view them, but if you have trouble, send me a comment below.

Alistair being held by Daddy, just a few minutes after his birth
By the way, Alistair was born by c-section early on Thanksgiving morning. This was certainly a different birth for us, since we’ve been used to natural, non-medicated, home births. But between my Addison’s disease and his prematurity, both Alistair and I encountered quite a few problems during labor. It wasn’t my idea of a dream birth, but I am truly thankful to God for keeping us both safe. Sometimes our plans just aren’t His!
I’m not able to breastfeed Alistair (another big change for us!), so I’ll have to share some of the things we’re doing for his formula (give me a few days, weeks, whatever, LOL). There are so many healthy things we can do in special health situations, and I hope I can give you all some ideas, in case you should ever find yourself in a situation like this.
Finally, check out his high-class “bassinet” (our laundry basket)! He looks so adorable in it! It’s light enough that I can lift him, and it keeps him out of the way of traffic in our house, with six siblings and a dog. 🙂
Enjoy the pictures! It’s so much fun to have a baby that maybe I’ll never return to “serious” blogging! 🙂
“Oh baby! Whose baby? Hold baby?” (Aubrianna)
“It looks cute! Can we go back to the bloody one?” (Bryce)
“I love the pictures!, My favorite one was when Kaitlyn fell asleep! Can I hold him?!” (Megan)
“Congratulations on The Alistair! He is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” (Benjamin)
“Wow, he’s really cute! Any YOU look great too! Can I hold him?!” (Benet)
We just spent half an hour looking at the pictures you posted and the children are not done looking yet! You two look AMAZING! (Melanie)
I wasn’t able to leave a comment on the Facebook page, but I wanted to say that Alistair is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations.
Anne, he is beautiful. I pray that your days will be filled with blessing and quiet as you recover from the C/S.
South africa
We have a way superior, interactive and (also) very easy to make use of a single. We’re just stuck for your lack of funding to the identical. ;-(
Thanks for the update on Allistair. We will continue to pray for him and the rest of your family. How are you feeling? How wonderful you had your parents visit you. I’ll be leaving for Germany on the 11th. I’ll be going to a retreat with my Christian Internet friends, plus visit schoolfriends and my cousins. Larry had a hip replacement and a gall bladder removed this summer.
Give my love to the children. I miss all of you.