I meet lots of people who have a book idea in the back of their minds. Maybe they’ve always wanted to get it down onto paper, but they don’t know how. It sounds like an impossible challenge! I still consider myself a beginning writer, but the following books and websites have been helpful to me. (Note: Many of these are affiliate links.)
For All Writers
- How to Write Fast (While Writing Well), by David Fryxell
- The Shortest Distance Between You and a Published Book, by Susan Page
- The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White
- Getting the Words Right: How to Rewrite, Edit and Revise, by Theodore A. Rees Cheney
- The 28 Biggest Writing Blunders (and How to Avoid Them), by William Noble
- The Complete Guide to Self Publishing, by Tom & Marilyn Ross
- You Can Market Your Books, by Carmen Leal
- WriterSpeaker.com, by Carmen Leal
- Writer’s Market magazine, by Writer’s Digest Books (look for the current year’s edition at your local library)
- Platform, by Michael Hyatt
- You Can Write a Novel, by James Smith, Jr.
- The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them), by Jack Bickham
Websites, Bloggers, Resources
- 50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Writing Skills
- Scrivener – The best writing software (so much better than Microsoft Word!)
- Amy Lynn Andrews – Help for writers who also need to be bloggers
- Michael Hyatt – Best blogger with advice for writers
On Facebook, a friend writes,
We are in the process of completing One Yr Adventure Novel curriculum with 2 of my teens.(They work on writing and completing an adventure novel over the school year) I have really LOVED this curriculum and it has really helped my teens see what is involved in creating a book that will draw in the interest of the reader and keep it.
Then I wrote,
I just ordered the preview DVD of that curriculum a month or so ago. I loved it, too! It’s out of my price range for this year, but I’d really love to get it next year. I think it would make anyone fall in love with writing (and learn how to do it correctly in the process).
Thanks for the recommendation!