Outside my window… It’s sunny and pleasantly warm. Honestly, I’ve lived a lot of places, and I think Minnesota has the BEST weather in the entire country!
I am thinking… how much I’ll miss my husband (and oldest son) this week while they’re away at camp together. Will Saturday ever come?
I am thankful for… an online Bible study group I’ve joined. We’re going chapter-by-chapter through Matthew. What a blessing!
From the learning rooms… We’re cleaning out crates, switching books over to a new school year, and making a list of supplies to pick up at Wal-mart. I need to start on lesson plans, but will it happen THIS week? Not sure.
From the kitchen… My husband took over the job of kombucha making several weeks ago (which is SO nice), but I guess it’s MY job this week. I’m also making chicken stock today.
I am wearing… some new maternity tops my sister-in-law gave me. However, my maternity jeans are TOO big, and my regular ones are TOO small. I guess skirts will have to be JUST RIGHT this week.
I am going… to go crazy delivering the newspapers for my son who’s away at camp this week. Yikes! What a job!
I am reading… The e-book “Getting Kids to Help” by Living on a Dime, FREE today at http://www.homeschoolfreebie.wholesomechildhood.com. Very good!
I am hearing… The song “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord” by Matt Redman, VeggieTales style
Around the house… We sorted through the craft cupboard today. Now the kids are all doing crafts.
One of my favorite things… Kids who say and do cute things all day, so I can laugh! Surely God invented lisps on toothless girls… and pony tails that bounce when 2-year-olds walk.
A few plans for the rest of the week… Not much. Home. Projects. Fun things with the kids. Waiting for Daddy and Big Brother to come home.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing…

My favorite food... in case you were wondering... which you probably weren't...
Click on over to the Simple Woman’s Daybook and read some great entries from other blogs. Thanks for visiting me today!
Thanks for letting us know about the free ebook!
I like cheesecake too!
The ebook is really good! I’ve been getting good ideas all throughout. I loved her illustration that kids don’t know what’s going on in the world outside their home, so wars and such don’t stress them out. But disorder IN the home is very stressful to them.
Oh, and cheesecake. I must be pregnant! It looks SO good to me today… but I don’t have the stuff in the house to make one. Maybe next week, LOL!
I really enjoyed discovering your blog through the Simple Woman’s Daybook. I look forward to reading more 🙂
Be blessed during this preg season…I only have six weeks left til our baby girl arrives 🙂