This was written about 7:30 this morning, but I came home and completely forgot to post it! 🙂
Outside my window… Today I’m at the hospital while my 10yo daughter has surgery on her wrist, so I can’t see outside the window.
I am thinking… About the surgery and wishing I could be with her and watch.
I am thankful for… the fact that they can even fix her arm. I think of the children who would have been crippled their entire lives without the technology we enjoy today in the United States. I’m not a big fan of medicine, but in this case, I am deeply thankful.
From the learning rooms… Grandpa and Grandma will be visiting us this week, which is such a treat, so we won’t be having school this week.
From the kitchen… I hoping my Dad can fix my 2nd refrigerator while he’s here, and if so, I have several kitchen projects I want to start. For instance, my friend found some rennet for only ten cents a box, so I might as well start some cheese. I also have a new bread recipe to try, and it requires refrigeration for a day or two before baking. I also need to make some more yogurt. That 2nd refrigerator is so important when our family is growing!
I am wearing… A blue shirt, jeans, and kitty-cat socks (my daughter loves those socks, and I thought they’d cheer her up).
I am creating… the finishing touches on my ezine for Friday, so I can take the rest of the week off writing and enjoy my parents’ visit.
I am going… to show my parents our new home and town here in Minnesota. This will be the first time they’ve visited since we moved here.
I am reading… The Gates of Zion, by Bodie Thoene. I’ve read this book before, but I have a terrible memory for fiction… which means I can enjoy a book several times without remembering how it ends! LOL!
I am hearing… the quiet sounds of a hospital waiting room, a little bit from the TV in the corner, where the news is on. (I’m remembering why I don’t like watching the news.)
Around the house… My husband has finished my new desk! It still needs to be painted white, but that could even be done later today! I’m excited about my new office. (I’ll be sure to share pictures.)
One of my favorite things… the smell of newly growing herbs in pots. By next week, I should be able to transplant them to my garden without danger of frost.
A few plans for the rest of the week… Do some sightseeing with my parents, maybe go on a picnic, play some games, and help Kaitlyn forget how much her wrist is hurting.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing…

Kaitlyn, early this morning, as she's checking in at the hospital
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Sweet picture. I hope your daughter’s arm is better soon.