I’m finally back to continuing our series on what is known as “The Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6:9-13. The next phrase is, “Thy kingdom come.”
Today is Election Day here in the United States. I’ve blogged a little bit about the election on my other blog, but as the Big Day is here, I am truly comforted by the knowledge that someday, God’s Kingdom will be set up here on the earth (Revelation 20:6).
In Genesis, we read that in the beginning, God set up a kingdom here on earth, and He set up rulers over this kingdom, Adam and Eve.
However, because they sinned, they lost their dominion and became servants to sin. Satan, that evil dragon, has been working to set up his dominion over our earth ever since.
But when Jesus comes back, our kingdom will be restored and we will rule and reign with Him on the earth. (See Revelation 20:6 again, and also Daniel 7:13-14, 1 Corinthians 6:3, and 1 Peter 2:9.) Hallelujah!
We’ve been studying the book of Revelation in Sunday school, and I am so encouraged by that study. I know that my King is coming back.
Whoever is voted into office today is only there by the sovereignty of God. I also realize that God might allow this country to have what it wants for a season (and that might not be pleasant for all of us). However, the King is coming to set up His kingdom, and His kingdom will be full of peace and joy and light. It will also be full of righteousness! What a blessing!
So as the apostle John says, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”