Well, Arik has entered a contest with Lego Mindstorm, where he had to make a robot of the future. We had a lot of fun doing it! He has mounted his picture and essay, and they are inside a cool-looking folder from Wal-mart. They’re going into the mailbox! This really made a good school project. I know he learned a lot.
Here are pictures so you can see. The text of his essay is below, in case it’s hard to read:
Robo Rescue is a robot prototype that enters buildings, locates people, and evacuates them. It enters and moves around buildings with claw fire extinguishers, four magnetic treads, each with independent steering, state-of-the-art programming, and a size of only 1.5 feet high, 3 feet long, and 1.5 feet wide, making it very maneuverable. It locates people with ten types of scanners. It evacuates people with a radar beacon and can carry them out because it can lift twenty tons. Considering the technology, I think it could be made by the year 2040.

In August, we all need to go to www.LegoMindstorms.com and see if he is a winner! The prize is a Mindstorm NXT set. He would love that!
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