Well, our roads are so muddy, the UPS driver called to tell me she couldn’t deliver the box. Kraig said he could pick it up in town, so he did. However, the road was too bad for him to drive home either, so he parked our van up at the farm on the corner and walked home. The box was just too big and heavy for him to bring with him, so I had to wait.
Later in the evening, some friends from church came over (they have 4-wheel drive). He worked on my computer to help me get some spyware off my computer. They were kind enough to stop at our van and get the box out for us. Yippee! It was like Christmas!
It would take too long to tell you about every book in the box, so I’ll try to tell you about a few at a time. After all, we won’t use these until NEXT school year! But oh, how fun!
Why don’t I start with a book that isn’t technically a school book? We’ll be studying Ancient Civilizations next year (with all the kids at their various levels), so a “fun” book I got was The True Story of Noah’s Ark, by Tom Dooley. It’s an amazing picture book with fold-out charts and a beautiful audio CD to accompany it. (Yes, I know it’s beautiful because I already listened to it!)

As for the rest of our day, I never got my bread made, so I’ve really got to do that today! Come on over and have a slice!
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