Anne’s 40-minute audio, “Open My Eyes” (from Isaiah 58).
Do you ever feel like your prayers go no higher than the ceiling? Like God is withholding His blessing from your life? Join Anne as she searches the Scripture for answers to tough questions like these!
>> Click to Download “Open My Eyes”
>> Click to download handout for this audio
Anne’s E-Book – “Life Lessons from Proverbs.”
Join Anne as she explains Proverbs that are helpful for women of all ages, married or single, mothers and grandmothers. In addition, she explains how to study, so you can go on to explore even more of these excellent Proverbs for yourself.
>> Click to Download “Life Lessons from Proverbs”
Anne’s Bible-Memory Chart – “Verses to Overcome Sin.”
God’s Word has the power to change your life! As you hang this chart in your home (maybe by your kitchen sink), you can memorize these verses and begin to have victory over sin in your life.
>> Click to Download “Verses to Overcome Sin”
Email me if you have any trouble with these downloads!