Thanks for your interest in contacting me. Here are some of the specific reasons you may want to get in touch with me and how to do it.
- If you are interested in having me speak at your event, please check out my Speaking page.
- If you are interested in writing a guest post for my blog, you should know that I no longer consider unsolicited requests.
- If you are looking for a specific blog post, you can use my Google-powered search feature (in the upper-right hand corner of this page).
- If you have a specific theology question, please leave a comment on a specific blog post with your question. Because of the high volume of Bible questions I receive, I cannot respond to each one with the attention they deserve. However, I will add your question to a list of possible blog topics and try to address it there.
If you have a comment or a question not addressed above, please feel free to e-mail me. Either I or one of my team members will respond to you as quickly as possible.