It’s been a long time since I’ve run a book giveaway on my blog, but this book is good enough for me to try again! This is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time, and I’m excited to be allowed to give away a copy to one of you.
Stephanie Langford from Keeper of the Home has been becoming a very good friend of mine over the last few months. Its started out when I found her blog by accident, then I thoroughly enjoyed her first book, Healthy Homemaking. Over time, by commenting on her blog, we got to know each other. Later, I became a guest author on her blog, where I now write about every six weeks.
Her new book, Real Food on a Real Budget, was released a little over a month ago, so hopefully this won’t be old news to you. However, in the weeks since I received my review copy (I know, it’s one of those great “job perks” — so unfair! LOL), I have opened and re-opened my copy. I can’t say the same for every book I own, can you? Some books make great one-time reads, and others just collect dust. This is a book that I’m using over and over again.
She sells the book as both an e-book and a paperback, but there is no fluff here. It’s a serious book! For 277 pages, she tells me how I can eat real food at my house and still balance the checkbook. This has always been a passion of mine, so when I heard her title, I thought I better pay attention!
I’m pretty picky about who I get nutrition advice from, so when I found out that I agreed with her… well, praise God!
So it is with excitement that I want to announce this book giveaway. You have until Monday night at midnight (July 5, 2010, central time) to enter for a chance to win. This is how:
- Leave me a comment with your name and a valid e-mail address. If you want to add your two cents about why this book would be perfect for you, that would be great. It’s not required, though.
- Earn an extra entry by following Stephanie on Facebook at Leave me a comment so I’ll know.
- Earn another entry by tweeting about this giveaway on Twitter. Leave me a comment so I’ll know.
- Earn TWO more points by blogging about this giveaway on your own blog. Leave me a link to your blog in the comments below so I’ll know.
The prize is one digital (e-book) copy of Real Food on a Real Budget, valued at $18.97. The winner will be chosen randomly and notified by email on Tuesday morning. I’ll also announce it here then. Anyone can enter, from anywhere in the world.
(And the rest of you… it’s worth buying this book! We can’t all win, after all! LOL!)
Melissa says
My husband has been wanting to eat healthier (as a family), and I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this. So I think this book could really be a great start. :o)
Janet says
I’ve been struggling with healthy eating vs. the budget for a while now . . . looking forward to reading this book (on way or another 🙂 )
Lisa says
Living on a very limited budget, with allergies and health issues through out our family, this book would be a blessing for us. Answers to doing it healthy and cheaply.
Amy Zobel says
Hi Anne,
Thanks so much for sharing your heart. I really loved seeing your pix from Chicago. 🙂 My sister lives right near Schaumberg.
I would greatly appreciate a copy of this book. I have a very dear friend who is being treated for melonoma and we are learning together how much needs to change in our diets!!!
Ruth says
It is a challenge to eat healthy on a tight budget. You would think basic foods would be the cheapest to buy, but not so. God has been laying on my heart the need for change for our family and I want to obey Him but need help with ideas. I’m so thankful for Anne and this site and look forward to reading this book.
abi says
please include me thanks
Dawn says
Our journey in healthy eating on a limited budget has been two steps forward, one step back, so I could use a tool to make the job easier. Thanks!
Andrea says
This would be a great tool not only to improve our health but to help me get a better handle on our spending. What a blessing!
Melody says
My family needs to eat healthier and it is hard to change some habits. Maybe this would help. Thanks!
Donna says
My daughter has been struggling with health issues related to her lymph system for months now. She missed 14 weeks of school last year due to an explosibe feeling headache. God healed her as no doctor or hospital had in the 14 weeks prior to prayer. We eat healthy, but look for new ways to incorporate more organic and natural foods into our diets. God told me to remove gluten from her diet. Gluten free foods are outrageously expensive. She is going without all grains on her 40 day fast. When that is over on July 10, she looks forward to incorporating one grain per day. Real Food on a Real Budget sounds like an answer to our prayer of affordability. Thank you :o)
Pamela Laurie says
I love to learn how to feed my family with health foods. And I love to read! Thanks!
amydeanne says
sounds like something I need!
Sheri Graham says
Hi Anne, I’d love to win a copy of Stephanie’s new ebook! I have looked at it for a while, but haven’t ordered it yet. I am always looking for ways to eat healthier…and saving money too would be a plus! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Teresa B says
Like everyone else, I’ve tried to eat healthy but the money gets tight and we fail. I would love to know how to do it on a budget 🙂
Michelle says
ok, the truth is I am way overweight and as approach 50 I am realizing I have to lose this weight and eat healthier. It seems like all the healthy for me foods are more expensive than foods I love. So please enter me in this contest. Thanks 🙂
Rebecca Turner says
Our family could really use this book. Thanks for letting me know about it!
Amy says
Our family is committed to eating healthy and is, like most, on a budget. This sounds like a great book! Thanks!
Mary says
Would love to read this book on healthy eating.
Lori says
This sounds like a great book!
Lori Barrett says
Sounds like the book I need to get on the right track for healthy, real food meals!
Regina says
This book seems like it is just what I have been looking for! Healthy eating vs. the budget is a constant struggle. I would like to pass it on to the hubby to read to. It just hasn’t clicked for him why I buy what I buy, and why I am willing to spend a little extra sometimes! P.S, love the blog:)
Mrs. K Hewett says
I would love to have a copy of this book. We are trying to make healthier choices but finding it a challenge with our budget. It sounds like Stephanie addresses these challenges well in “Real Food on a Real Budget”. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
Pauletta says
I would love to learn how to eat healthy on a one-income budget!
Pauletta says
I posted a link on my blog! Also chose to “like” Stephanie’s page on Facebook.
Jean J. says
I so desperately need to eat better and to lose weight. I am trying, but sometimes it is so hard especially on a limited income. I am teaching my daughter to learn at a early age about making wise choices. Sounds like this would be a great book to have. Thanks for the chance to win! God bless. –Jean J.
Hillary Moore says
I need to read this–winning would be awesome 🙂
Hillary Moore says
I am following Stephanie’s page, Keeper of the Home, on Facebook. I noticed some Facebook friends are following as well–but didn’t see your name there–heehee. 🙂
Becky says
Wow! This sounds like a very practical book. We have a large family (8 of us) and it would be great to learn how to make our healthy eating changes more economical. Thanks!
Erica says
I have heard about this book, and it would be really nice to have
Erica says
I also just started following her on facebook
Anne Elliott says
Hilary, That’s hilarious! I DID forget to follow her! Okay, fixing that now….
Anne says
I’ve had trouble figuring out how to feed my family a healthy diet while sticking to a budget. I would love a copy of this book if it would help me make improvements in this area.
Damara Arnold says
Thank you for introducing us to this book. As most one income families need to be frugal, some extra advice and ideas would be very helpful.
Damara Arnold says
I also started following Stephanie on Facebook. Thank you!
Sue says
Eating healthy on a strict budget has always been a challenge. I need all the help and encouragement I can get. Thanks for all you do.
Sue says
I’m following Stephanie on Facebook!
vera says
I would love to read this book. I am just learning how to balance healthy eating on a low food budget.
L says
Would love to have this book to help us with our quest of eating right. 🙂
Vicki B. says
Wow! Looks like just what I’ve been looking for at the library. Haven’t found just what I want yet, maybe this is it?!! It would be wonderful to win it!
Vicki B. says
Signed up with Facebook. And ‘LIKED’ it!
Ginger Pieper says
We’d love to use this book to achieve healthier eating without blowing our budget.
Quiet Mom says
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway!
Trish says
I have found it very hard to eat a “nourishing traditions” diet on a limited budget. I feel like I’m always making compromises. I would love this book to see if it would help! Thanks!
Corinne says
I could always use more ideas for stretching our budget while eating more whole foods. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
Melanie says
I would love the information in this book! I always seem to go overbudget:)
Jenn says
This would really help us as a family get on track.
Angela says
I’d love to get this book! I always am looking for a way to feed my family nutritious but inexpensive meals. I’ve found it difficult at best. Oh- I’m already following you on facebook too. 🙂 And no, I didn’t smell you after all that garlic- glad to know you’re feeling better
Sally says
I too am very interested in feeding my family healthy food with out over spending. Sometimes I don’t think it can be done. This book sounds like it would be a tremendous help. Good luck to everyone who enters.
Sally says
I already follow her on Facebook.
Susan says
Since the beginning of this year, it feels like someone in our house has been sick or had allergy or sinus problems. I have been interested in eating healthier, but I wasn’t sure where to start. This book sounds like the perfect starting point. Thanks for letting us know about it.
Jeni says
This sounds like just what I have been looking for! After having to dramatically cut back on an already slim budget, I have been looking for ways to feed my family healthy food without breaking our budget, a difficult thing to do. It seems like everything I have found so far hasn’t taken into account the inflation over the past year due to the economy. This sounds like it might help our family to the stewarts of not only our finances but also our bodies God has called us to be.
Bethany Ruth says
Thanks for offering this giveaway! My family would benefit from the encouragement to eat better and spend less doing i!
Michelle says
Ever since I read about this book coming out, I have wanted a copy! I would love to learn more ways to continue eating our healthy food for less. With six children, we can use all the budget help we can get on good food! 😉
Kimberly says
I would love to win this ebook! I looked at it and would love to buy it, but I cannot afford it right now. Looks like it would be very beneficial to my family.
Melinda says
This looks awesome, I would love to win it!!! Thanks for such a great book giveway!!!!
Keri@This Season of Life says
I’ve been wanting to get this book! 🙂
Keri@This Season of Life says
I also started following Stephanie on facebook.
JEnnifer Dages says
Sounds like a great opportunity.
DeAnn says
This book is exactly what I have been looking for! Thank you for the give away!
Cindy says
This sounds like something I could really use…REAL food on a REAL budget…
Crysatl says
Hi Anne, this book looks great. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I’ve been easing into REAL food over this past year. I’ve mostly been following blogs to get recipes and ideas. Our library also has a copy of Nourishing Traditions and I’ve checked it out several times, but it would be great to have my own copy of a REAL foods cook book. I will sign up to follow Stephanie’s blog.
momawake says
What a great give-away!
momawake says
I’m already a follower on Facebook. 🙂
Cynthia says
This would be a great book for us we are trying to ease into a real food eating with a large family!
Sandy Stanford says
It’s 3:00 AM. I just got home from work – stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way to get my 2 powdered munchkins and coffee. Then….finished a Hersheys choc bar here…………HELP !!!!! Used to be able to afford organics, even have my own grain mill that has not been used in yrs. Would love to get back!
Tonni says
Sounds like EXACTLY the book I need right now! Look forward to reading it some day soon! Thanks…
Tonni says
Following on Facebook now…thanks again!
Nicole says
Thanks for the give-away! I’ve been trying to prepare more nutritious foods for my family and this cookbook would really help. My library has Nourishing Traditions, but it’s always a LONG wait to get it.
Ruthanne says
Such a timely contest! I have been working on our budget and menu planning for the past two weeks (in between all the other stuff, plus gearing up for homeschooling next year). I have found with a lot of the “budget friendly” menu plans available, the ingredients are really awful! Ramen noodles, hot dogs, and cream of mushroom soup are not high on my list of nutritional items! And with a special needs child, we just can’t eat like that!! And it seems like the cost of “good” food is just getting higher and higher! Real Food on a Real Budget is what I need to look at!
Ann says
Real Food on a Real Budget would be VERY timely right now! Prayers are going out right now to everyone struggling. Asking the Lord the provide for our DAILY needs has taken on a new meaning! 😀
Belinda says
I think this book would be a great help to extend our budget that hasn’t gotten larger in the past ten years (for 10 people!). I have greatly appreciated ALL of your coffee break newsletters – they are so encouraging.
Belinda says
I also liked Keeper of the Home on Facebook.
Michaela says
Of all the emails I get, I look forward to yours most of all! Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words and helpful advice. I would love to read this book. I have a smattering of knowledge about eating whole, healthy foods, but I can’t seem to continually put it into practical use; and nothing I have read so far makes it easy to do and follow. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly!!
Melissa W. says
I would love to win this. We are a one-income-household.
Melissa W. says
following Stephanie on Facebook
Melissa W. says
Diann D. says
I am fairly new to your beautiful blog. I enjoy all the helpful information and insights.
Wanita says
I would love to have this book as this is an issue I struggle with.
Emily says
Because, I think I might be getting some of the real food in my family- but the budget part is going crazy- I just can let the pendulum swing the other way again. . .
Sherry D. says
I would love to win this book! I like and agree with Sally Fallon and Weston Price but let’s face it, with nine children still at home we just can’t afford to eat that way. I’m also a Birth Worker and am always on the look out for good books to recommend to women that they can really use. Though I’ve not read it yet I bet this book would be one I’ll need to add to my recommended reading list.
Monica Rathmann says
Thanks for this giveaway opportunity! Family just started eating healthier by watching calories, etc.. Just recently found out 7 year old daughter is overweight just like her mommy and daddy. Trying to make changes!
Monica Rathmann says
Am now following keepers of the home on facebook! 🙂
Renae McElroy says
I would love to win this book. I’ve been following Stephanie’s blog for a long time, bought her first ebook, and would love to have this one as well to help our family buy real food on a budget!
Mandi Vissers says
It would be great to win this book.
Katie says
I’ve been needing something like this to get me started on the right track.
Marie U says
What a wonderful idea for a book, all in one place. 🙂
Marie U says
I’m following on Facebook too! 🙂
Sue says
This book sounds so beneficial. I would love to win it.
Sue says
I follow Stephanie on Facebook.
Mischele says
This book sound like the book I need. I try to eat healthy but… I would love to win this book.
Monica L says
I have been interested in this book since before it came out. I have been following her blog.
Monica L says
I follow Keeper of the Home on Facebook now.
shannan says
Ooh, sounds like a great book!
Jeni says
I’m following on facebook also.
Marilyn Jensen says
It sounds like the kind of book that I could use, since I’m on a tight budget.
Anne Elliott says
Good morning, everyone! Wow, I am just overwhelmed at the response we had to this book giveaway. I SO MUCH WISH that I could give all of you a copy. I could cry at some of your comments, and I’ve been giving a lot of thought and prayer as to how I could help in some of my upcoming e-zines and blog posts. Stay posted, okay?
On to the winner… Our winner is Pauletta from Why not take a peek at her blog today and say “congratulations”? She is mom to several little ones, and I know this book will help her out.
If you’re needing some free help today, don’t forget to take a peek at the articles on my website at Maybe something there will be a blessing to you today.
Hugs to all,