I’m home from vacation! Oh, it feels so good to sleep in my own bed, take a shower in my own bathroom, and drink some of my husband’s fabulous coffee. Ahhhh…
In honor of being home, I thought I’d share an entry from my “daybook.” (I’ve always thought this meme was fun!)
Outside my window… It is bright and sunshiny here in Minnesota. The sky is SO blue! There isn’t a cloud in sight, and the leaves are crispy golden, with one falling here and there. We had a hard frost over the weekend, so my garden is done for the season — and that’s okay with me!
I am thinking… about all the things I want to do this week. The great thing about vacations is that when they start, your brain is so tired that it doesn’t ever want to work again. But by the time the vacation is over, you’re so eager to work again that you can hardly wait.
I am thankful for… my children! Over the last couple weeks, I’ve had extra time to play with them and observe them and plan for the coming year. I’m just so thankful for having been blessed with these seven little (and not-so-little) ones.
From the learning rooms… we’ll be starting in again tomorrow with Day 16 of our school year, so it feels like we’re just beginning, really. We’re still fine-tuning a few things, but we’ve got a good hunk of time ahead of us without any serious breaks, so we should be able to get in a good rhythm.
From the kitchen… we found a really fabulous table (similar to this one only it included 3 chairs) at a Savers while on vacation, for only $30, so we’re putting it in the kitchen under the window, next to the stove, so that little ones or friends who stop over will have a place to sit and chat. Doesn’t that sound cozy? We’re still praising God for that find!
I am wearing… long sleeves (oh, it’s my favorite time of the year!), soft jeans, and a black-and-white bandanna to keep the frizzies out of my face.
I am creating… three types of curriculum: world history, grammar, and Bible doctrines. I’m hoping that my blog won’t be too quiet and boring while I’m writing this fall, but I honestly can’t wait to show you how cool these are shaping up! It’s almost as much fun as having a new baby! (You knew I was weird…) While we were on vacation, I had a chance to shop at several bookstores and to do a lot of thinking while driving, and my brain is just bursting with ideas, from fun activities to cover design.
I am going… nowhere! Ahhhh….
I am reading… Bones of Contention, by Marvin L. Lubenow, a book about evolution. I’m only in the first chapter, and I read before bed at night, which means this will take forever! For fun, I’m about halfway through Cheaper by the Dozen, the old classic by Gilbreth and Carey. In my Bible reading, I’m trying to memorize Psalm 104, and I’m reading slowly through Isaiah, currently mulling over chapters 24-26.
I am hearing… some quiet Fernando Ortega on my mp3 player.
Around the house… my husband and I spent six hours at an IKEA store last week (!) and got so many fun ideas for around our house. We didn’t buy anything, but he wants to take the catalog and make a wish list of things to do.
One of my favorite things… is the smell of some essential oils coming from a lamp close to the table. We dotted some “Purify” on a lamp ring, and it makes our entire downstairs smell much better. (Sometimes a house that has been closed up for vacation doesn’t smell so fresh, if you know what I mean.)
A few plans for the rest of the week… we’re starting a JOY club after school at our church this week. Please be praying each Tuesday afternoon for over 20 sweet neighborhood children whom we know and love — and with whom we want to share Jesus. We’ll be starting this week in Genesis, telling them about creation and sin and all that oh-so-important stuff that’s necessary for the gospel seeds we’ll be planting.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing…

Last week, on the shore of Lake Calhoun, Minneapolis, MN
Click on over to the Simple Woman’s Daybook and read some great entries from other blogs. Thanks for visiting me today!
I agree that coming back from vacations just make you ready to get back in the routine of daily life.
I have read Cheaper by the Dozen by Gilbreth and Carey several times. It’s a wonderful story!
I’ve always wanted to go to an IKEA store …
That IKEA store was TOO much fun! I’ve never been like that before, and we could have honestly stayed much longer. The bathrooms were SO clean and handy, too. The best anywhere! I guess that’s a silly thing to like, but when you’ve been on vacation….
I’ve never been like that before, and we could have honestly stayed much longer. The bathrooms were SO clean and handy, too. thank you for sharing this article!