Hi, everyone!
So many people have been calling and emailing about how I’m feeling and how Baby is doing that I’ve decided to just post on my blog about us.
A couple weeks ago, my blood pressure started to creep up and I started to swell and get headaches. It was TOO early in my pregnancy for these kinds of problems, so we started trying to get some advice about what to do.
Praise God, we live very close to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and the doctors close to us asked me to please see the maternal-fetal medicine specialists at Mayo, especially because of my Addison’s disease.
Last week, before my appointment came, I got so sick that we went in to the Labor and Delivery Triage at Mayo for help. They monitored me all day and ran numerous tests. We found out that I had a serious urinary tract infection and possibly some kidney problems. We’ve been treating the UTI all week, but I got pretty sick this weekend. It really wasn’t fun!
However, praise God, yesterday we met with the perinatologist, Dr. Brost, at Mayo. I really think the world of Dr. Brost and his staff. It was one of the most thorough appointments I’ve ever had, and they are continuing to run tests on my blood serum even today. Next week I’ll have a joint meeting with endocrinologists and maternal-fetal medicine.
My UTI has cleared up, although we’re watching my kidneys closely. We’ll be checking their function weekly for some time, especially since an infection like this is a leading cause of preterm birth (and we certainly want to avoid that!).
My thyroid function is also a little funny, so they’re currently running several tests on that. I do feel a little “off,” so I really praise God that someone has been able to “catch” the problem on a blood test. All the levels for my Addison’s disease seem to be okay, but they are discussing doing further testing to be sure.
There are a few other little things on my blood work, but overall, I’m much more healthy than we all thought! What a blessing! So many things were good that we thought might be bad. This was such good news!
Finally, little Baby is doing really well. We found out that Baby is a Boy! Now we just have to decide on a baby name that starts with an A. He’s so cute (on the ultrasound). He played with his toes for almost the entire hour we were watching him, and he has very long arms. Daddy is figuring out what position he could play in football. I think he’s one of the wiggliest babies I’ve ever had, but isn’t that good of God to let him be so wiggly and to reassure us so often of his good health? (Remind me of that when he’s two…)
So that’s our news! I hope I included everything. If you have any questions, send me a comment or an email. I’d love to call each one of you individually, but honestly, I think I could use a really good nap today! I love all of you very much….
THANK YOU for your prayers!!!!! God is very good…
Praise God for His protecting hand in your life right now. I’m sorry I didn’t make it over on Sept. 1 for the Pampered Chef party (though I can’t remember what I ended up doing that evening). You’re still in my prayers.
P.S. Did you and Kraig know the guy that was found dead in Brownsdale?
I pray all will be well with you and your new son. God is good!
I have a very good friend from high school who works at that clinic! I will be praying for you. I had a rough pregnancy with my youngest, but all in all we both ended up being just fine. I’m sure you will too…..but I will definitely pray for a healthy pregnancy and one that you can enjoy and not worry about! Please keep us updated! 🙂